Hello All,

 I just posted the story of a triathlon client of mine on my other blog (see the link below to the entire post).

Brian Whelan was diagnosed with MS in 2004 but has always had the dream of completing an Ironman.  He made his first attempt at Cozumel in late 2010.  He barely made the swim cutoff (cutoff is 2:20 and he finished around 2:16).  Because of the energy he expended on the swim, he was out of gas at mile 75 on the bike and couldn’t make the cutoff for the bike. 

Following his DNF at Cozumel, Brian came to me to train him for Coeur d’Alene 2011.  Using Total Immersion, Brian swam Ironman CDA in about 1:48 and felt amazing following the swim because of the energy savings.  He completed Ironman CDA and became an Ironman despite many other setbacks as well. 

He is a true Ironman and you can read his entire race report here:

The Story of a True Ironman