Just had to report this great success story from this mornings masters practice (5-6 am).  The swimmer is a 73 year old male who has been swimming with my morning training group the past year or so.  When we transitioned from short course yards to long course meters in April I conducted a timed 800 M swim to determine new tempo trainer settings for the next round of tempo trainer focused workouts for long course that I have been using and fine tuning over the last year.  It is a series of workouts that cover approximately 30 workouts varying the use of the tempo trainer and non tempo trainer days. This swimmers time in April  was 18:00 with an average stroke count of 55 (60 for calculting TT setting).  My calculations put his pace per 100 at 2:15 with a TT setting of 1.12.  Over the course of the next 30 plus workouts using the tempo trainer and slowing down and increasing tempo’s while focusing on SPL we repeated the 800 swim this morning.  His time was 17:06 (56 sec improvement) with 50 SPL (5 spl/50) and a 2:08/100m pace (7 sec improvement) and  a new tempo setting of 1.16.  He mentioned that he can feel the difference in his swimming.  He has had no formal TI instruction in the form of private or a clinic coaching.  Only what he has been introduced to during masters swimming.

That’s right did you get that?  He improved his time, spl and slowed his tempo.   This is exactly what we talk about all the time with Total Immersion Swimming.  This swimmer has really been focussing on imporving and mindful swimming and has commented more than once on how he feels the improvement and enjoys thinking about his swimming trying to constantly improve his technique now–something he has never done before in his swimming career.  Experiencing anothers achievements through TI swimming is exhilerating. 

 You can do this as well with patient, mindful, purposeful, graceful swimming.  Swimming is Life!!