You must be a registered user to download these free PDF booklets from Total Immersion. If you are already registered, please login using the box to the right. If you would like to register, please click on any booklet below and you will be taken to the registration page.


$pdfs = array(

‘Perpetual Motion Freestyle in 10 Lessons – User Guide’ => ‘/images/pdfs/pmf-user-guide.pdf’, 

‘Outside the Box (excerpt)’ => ‘/images/pdfs/otb-excerpt-2.pdf’,

‘Easy Freestyle’ => ‘/images/pdfs/easy-freestyle-manual.pdf’,

‘Extraordinary Swimming for Every Body, Chapters 1-3′ => ‘/images/pdfs/extraordinary-chapter1-3.pdf’,

‘Happy Laps’ => ‘/images/pdfs/happylaps-book.pdf’,

‘Swimming That Changes Your Life Excerpt’ => ‘/images/pdfs/swimming-that-changes-your-life-excerpt.pdf’,


$user =& JFactory::getUser();

echo ‘<ul class=”free-pdfs”>';
foreach ($pdfs as $title => $url) {
if ($user->guest) {
echo ‘<li><a href=”component/user/login” title=”please login to access free content”>’ . $title . ‘</a></li>';
} else {
echo ‘<li><a href=”‘ . $url . ‘”>’ . $title . ‘</a></li>';
echo “</ul>”;